中華民國憲法 Constitution of the Republic of China (Taiwan)

The Constitution guarantees that all citizens are equal before the law. Article 5 guarantees equality among Taiwan’s various racial groups. Article 7 states that all citizens enjoy the same rights irrespective of their sex, religion, race, class, or party affiliation. Article 22 provides that all other freedoms and rights of the people that are not detrimental to social order or public welfare shall be guaranteed under the Constitution. Article 23 provides that all enumerated freedoms and rights shall not be restricted by law except as may be necessary to prevent infringement upon the freedoms of other persons, to avert an imminent crisis, to maintain social order, or to advance public welfare. In J.Y. Interpretation 748, the Constitutional Court interpreted the classifications listed in Article 7 as only illustrative and recognized constitutional protection of same-sex marriage under Articles 7 and 23. All citizens have equal opportunity to receive an education under Article 159. English translation available here.



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