Wetboek van Strafrecht: Titel XX-XXI Mishandeling, Veroorzaken van de dood of van lichamelijk letsel door schuld (Criminal Code: Title XX-XXI Assault, Causing bodily harm or death through negligence)

Female genital mutilation is punishable as a form of child abuse under sections 300-304, 307, and 308 of the Criminal Code. Such abuse carries a maximum sentence of 12 years or a maximum fine of 76,000 euros. Parents who perform the circumcision themselves on their own daughter or on a child over whom they exercise parental authority or whom they care for or raise, may serve a one-third increase in their prison sentence, per section 304(1). Parents and custodians are also punishable if they allow and/or support the procedure to be performed, order it, pay for it, provide the means for it and/or assist the circumciser during the circumcision, as these acts are considered soliciting, abetting or co-perpetration under Dutch criminal law. Though FGM is not specifically mentioned in these sections, the General Provisions Section 5(3°) explicitly includes FGM in these Title XX-XXI provisions. (Unofficial English translation of the Criminal Code as of 2012 available here: http://www.ejtn.eu/PageFiles/6533/2014%20seminars/Omsenie/WetboekvanStra...)

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